What is his/her name?
Emily Grett
Favourite breakfast food.
Those small apple cakes you can buy at the store.
Where does he/she live?
She lives about 6 blocks from the bay, in a small cottage with a cement garden. It has been over grown for years and the lush tree hanging over her circular rock garden in falling towards the grass.
Open his/her fridge and list what you see and smell.
Ice and mist. The white metallic box opens from the top.
Look under his/her bed and list what is there.
Dust, wood flooring and paneling that is darkened red.
Open his/her medicine cabinet and list what is there (of course you would never do this in real life, would you?.)
Placebos of various shapes in marked prescription bottles.
What books and magazines does he/she read?
These old dusty books, with black covers and faded letters.
What lie does she/he tell about self?
That she deserves this.
What secret does she/he hold?
A gem, red with a cross on the back. She keeps it in a cigar box in a desk in her basement.
What is her/his greatest desire or ambition?
To see paradise.
What gets in the way of achieving this?
Meditation, prayer.
What does s/he like to do while alone?
Read, write, play her small brown piano.
How does s/he move? ie. degree of tension.
She is calm with no need for disguises. She is in denial of her self so she remains very respectful of her superiors.
So make up your own question and answer it.
What does she do for a living?
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